list of classical problems

15555    Check the coprimeness IITKWPCB 3238 50.33
15556    Count right angle triangles IITKWPCC 46 24.49
15557    Partition the sticks IITKWPCD 106 34.56
15558    Let us play with strings IITKWPCE 310 38.93
15559    Help Feluda with mathematical equations IITKWPCF 272 22.84
15560    Help the old King IITKWPCG 526 37.33
15561    Find Number Of Pair of Friends IITKWPCH 435 32.12
15562    Find Lexicographically Smallest Permutation IITKWPCI 354 40.27
15563    Check the string Powers IITKWPCJ 488 28.89
15565    Find Distances In A Plane IITKWPCL 46 15.45
15566    Coprime Again IITKWPCM 65 26.35
15567    Playing With Balls IITKWPCN 1764 65.36
15568    Fire Extinguishers STC01 19 45.28
15569    Antisymmetry STC02 340 37.38
15571    Difference STC04 114 31.50
15572    Garden STC05 18 28.41
15573    Keyboard STC06 13 35.90
15574    Railway STC07 17 26.77
15575    Kangaroos STC08 19 28.95
15576    Aesthetic Text STC09 15 38.10
15577    Blockade STC10 420 40.64
15609    Spiky Mazes SPIKES 972 35.11
15620    Postering POSTERIN 615 31.98
15621    Tie the Rope TIEROPE 89 21.93
15627    Create Collections IITKWPCO 1606 33.64
15631    On the Plus Side PLUS 37 29.55
15634     Lennys Lucky Lotto Lists GNYR04C 226 34.38
15636    Histology Assistant GNYR04I 8 37.84
15637    Mr Youngs Picture Permutations GNYR04H 496 37.75
15648    Commando APIO10A 738 32.23
15649    Unequalled Consumption NWERC05 12 19.12
15650    Dark roads ULM09 1426 36.27
15655    Product of factorials FACTMUL 1323 23.43
15671    Product of factorials (medium) FACTMULM 19 30.17
15728    The Sierpinski Fractal ULM02 112 26.88
15733    Hall of Fountains ULM2H 17 50.00
15734    California Jones and the Gate to Freedom ULM02C 31 56.52
15735    Balanced Food ULM02B 8 19.05
15736    Breaking String BRKSTRNG 717 37.85
15766    Enjoy Sum with Operations SUMSUM 361 27.34
15769    Enjoy Adding GP to Series ADDGP 60 26.50
15783    Coder Express 3!! CODERE3 1266 47.61
15827    Vending Machine AUT 34 9.11
15847    Equalize the Sectors SECTORS 155 60.25
15849    Find the Treasure DIGOKEYS 594 23.50
15850    Game DGAME 58 42.11
15851    Permutations PSERVICE 12 40.38
15864    SUMMING SUMMING 8 9.90
15867    Great Warrior SNGGW 124 67.28
15891    Prime Generator The Easiest Question Ever SNGPG 1169 46.64
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